"Park and Ride" : take the Sunset Fair Shuttle bus from Lecidere, near Lita Store!

Saturday, 4 September 2010

Kor Timor joins Sunset Fair

Kor Timor is a leading manufacturer of locally hand-made products (including but not limited to boxes, books, packaging, bags) made from recycled, hand-made paper and Timor tais. Located in Taibessi, Dili, next to the Juvenile Centre, Kor Timor employs 17 people and serves institutional customers such as the Office of the President, Government and the diplomatic community, as well as exporting a small quantity of products to Australia. It also supplies local outlets and has its own shop at its workplace. Kor Timor is a not-for-profit business, funded by an Australian donor and managed by an Australian volunteer.
Kor Timor Unipesosal Lda
Rua Merkadu Taibessi
+670 733 4460
Website: via http://www.buildingmarkets.org/